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ACC-2023 Proceedings

Host Organization

Indian Society of Citriculture (ISC) was established on 24th August, 1983 in New Delhi (Registration No. S/13760 of 1983). The broader aim and objectives of the Society is to advance the cause of Citriculture, encourage and promote citrus research, disseminate the knowledge and facilitate closer association among the stakeholders. The Headquarter of the Society was shifted from IARI, New Delhi to ICAR- Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra (Formerly known as National Research Centre for Citrus) in November 1997 to boost its activities and pursue the objectives more effectively, being placed in hub of citrus industry.

Since its inception, the ISC brings together researchers, academics, citrus growers, industry experts and policymakers from across India and works closely with the government and other stakeholders to address the challenges faced by the industry. Society also aims to disseminate information on the latest research, technology and best practices in citriculture and to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences among its members. Overall, the ISC plays a crucial role in advancing the citrus industry in India and ensuring its long-term sustainability and profitability. Its efforts are helping to promote citrus cultivation as a significant contributor to India's horticultural sector and to the country's economy as a whole.

ISC has organized several National and International seminars, workshops and conferences on various aspects of citrus cultivation, such as production, protection, processing and marketing. Few landmark events organized by the society are National Symposium on Citriculture (17-19 Nov., 1997) , International Symposium on Citriculture (23-17 Nov., 1999), National Symposium on Citriculture: A Road Map (22-24 Feb., 2006); National Symposium on Citriculture: Emerging Trends (24-26 July,2008), National Seminar on Citrus Biodiversity for Livelihood and Nutritional Security (4-5 Oct.,2010), National Dialogue on Citrus Improvement, Production and Utilization (27-29 Feb., 2012), National Citrus Meet (12-13 Aug., 2013) and National Symposium on Citrus industry of India: Way forward (27-29 Nov., 2015).

More details are available on ISC website (