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ACC-2023 Proceedings

Theme of ACC-2023:

Advancing Citriculture for Agro-economic Prosperity

Citrus is a major horticultural commodity in many Asian countries, providing a significant source of income and employment for farmers, processors, traders, and other actors in the value chain. To further unleash the potential of this industry, it is essential to connect innovators from different fields and expertise towards a common goal of advancing the sector. This can be achieved through our initiatives Asian Citrus Congress-2023, which provides a platform for researchers, extension personnel, policymakers, citripreneurs, and industry experts to share their ideas, innovations, and experiences.

By promoting innovation, exchanging knowledge, and collaboration among stakeholders, the Asian Citrus Congress-2023 aims to act as a catalyst in enhancing the productivity, quality and sustainability of citrus production and trade in Asia, as well as in capturing the growing demand for citrus products in domestic and international markets. The congress will also highlight the importance of addressing the social, environmental, and economic challenges facing the citrus industry. The overarching theme of the ACC-2023 is to broaden the citrus industry in Asia in order to achieve inclusive and equitable development in citrus growing areas, support food and nutritional security, and contribute to the overall economic growth, sustainability and prosperity of all involved in the Asian citrus industry.